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Are Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR) Misconceptions Making You Think Twice?

Business man with hand on head frustrated about his backup disaster recovery (BDR) plan

Myths and misconceptions of a BDR plan

Creating your own disaster recovery plan can be a huge challenge, and it can be quite frustrating at times. Aside from the challenges, there are various myths and misconceptions about Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) that are not making things easier for you. We do not want the myths and misconceptions of a BDR plan to stop you from creating a solution for your business. We have created a list of some myths and misconceptions you may have heard.

Myth 1: Our Data Is Always Backed Up; We Will Not Have Any Issues

Many businesses do not always backup their data as often as they should. Data should be backed up on a frequent basis in order for it to be a true Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) solution. Backing up your data is not the only part of a disaster recovery solution. Your business needs a full solution that should include a variety of things, including having a comprehensive plan that will ensure you will have access to your data even if disasters happen.

Myth 2: I Cannot Afford A Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) Plan

Nearly 50 percent of all businesses who could not recover their data for even one day never opened the doors of their business again. When the interruption of data happened for more than a week, over 90 percent of businesses never opened their doors of their business again.

Many businesses make the decision not to have a Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) plan because they see it as something that costs too much. If you do not make the decision to have your own BDR plan, what will happen if you do not have access to your network or your important data? Would you rather spend the money on a BDR plan or would you rather have a failed business because you chose not to have a Backup Disaster Recovery solution?

Although you may think you cannot afford this type of solution, major advancements have been made that will mean a Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) solution is not out of your reach.

Myth 3: We Will Never Have A Disaster

This is one of the main reasons people do not feel they need a Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) plan. Many businesses feel they live in an area where no disaster will ever happen. Many business owners and business managers think that only hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, and floods will cause networks and computer services to fail.

However, many disasters that take place in the workplace are caused by humans. An accident in the workplace can happen to anyone, and it can happen at any time, especially when you least expect it. It does not matter if you live in an area that mainly sees hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, or just a little rain here and there, you are going to need a Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) plan.

If you want the peace of mind that your data will always be safe and that your business will not have to go through any period of downtime, you are going to need an effective Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) plan. Do you think your current data backup system is built to last if you lose data or if your equipment fails? If you are not sure, we want you to take action as soon as possible.

Your data needs to be backed up on a frequent basis so you will never have to worry about losing data, and possibly, your entire business.  Are you looking for the proper Backup Disaster Recovery(BDR) solution for your business? Contact us today for additional information on what you need to do to ensure to make sure your business never has to close its doors sooner than you want to.

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