Tag Archives: managed service provider

Discussing Your Information Governance Policy with a Managed Service Provider (MSP)


Staying in control of your business’ data is vital and can be made easier using a managed service provider

Businesses often generate tremendous amounts of data. Consider all of the emails you’ve ever sent, the documents you’ve written up, and the files you store on all of your computing devices and on platforms like Google Drive. Think about surveys you’ve sent to customers, information you’ve collected about their buying preferences and habits, and the data analyses you’ve conducted.



To stay in control of your data and manage it wisely, you need to develop a comprehensive information governance policy.

The benefits include the following:

  • A sensible system of organization for all of your data, whether it’s a critical file you need immediate access to or older information you can stow away somewhere.
  • Clear guidelines for employees on how they should store, share, or delete data.
  • Improved data security, decreasing the chances that you’ll suffer from a successful cyber attack. (With increases in the rate of data breaches, no organization is safe from getting targeted.)
  • A more effective use of data to glean insights from it and complete your work with greater efficiency and accuracy.
  • Greater trust in the continued existence of your data, instead of worrying about permanent data losses or experiencing unsustainable amounts of downtime as you struggle to restore data after an IT disaster.
  • Reliable compliance with data regulations that affect your industry.
  • Less waste of resources, as you develop more cost-effective ways to store and manage data, and rely on safe ways to dispose of it when needed.

How can a Managed Service Provider (MSP) help?

With an MSP, you enjoy a comprehensive, personalized array of IT services provided by experienced professionals. You’ll receive invaluable guidance and assistance with creating an information governance policy and implementing it in your organization.

One example is your choice of data backup solutions. The wrong software and hardware will endanger your most sensitive data or lead to costly delays in data restoration. There are various solutions to choose from; these range from high-quality cloud storage for critical and confidential information to magnetic tape for older, unessential, and less sensitive data. Whatever you choose needs to make sense for your data and for your organization’s needs. Your MSP will assist you with data backups, including making sure the backups aren’t left incomplete.

Another issue that comes up is how to handle your growing volume of data, particularly if your company is expanding in scope or working on projects involving massive amounts of information. Where do you store it all? Many companies rely on a hybrid of cloud computing and local storage solutions, but the specifics really depend on your particular demands.

Then there’s the need for data security, essential for protecting your customers, business partners, and employees while also meeting regulatory requirements. Your MSP will monitor your network round-the-clock and immediately respond to signs of unauthorized activity. They can safely dispose of data you wish to get rid of and help you make use of encryption, firewalls, anti-malware programs, and other cyber defenses. With your MSP’s assistance, your employees can also undergo training for safer computing habits and remain aware of the threats your organization faces.

Another advantage of working with an MSP when you’re developing and implementing your information governance policy is that your MSP will remain in regular communication with you. They’ll keep you apprised of the health of your IT system and point out areas that could use improvement. Working with their feedback and advice will help you strengthen your organization’s ability to manage and make use of data.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about the services we provide as an MSP. Your data is a precious resource that should never be left in neglect and disarray.

Resolution for 2017: Working with a Top-Notch Managed Service Provider (MSP)


Its that time of year again with the holiday season quickly approaching.  Were all making those last minute purchases to be sure purchases gifts make it to our door before the Christmas and making plans to spend time with family members.

As 2016 draws to a close, consider how the IT services you rely on can improve in the coming year.

In recent months, have you experienced any of the following?

  • A cyber security incident that possibly endangered your sensitive data.
  • Wasted money on unnecessary IT purchases, such as equipment or software that your company didn’t really need.
  • A selection of substandard software that you’d hoped would perform better.
  • Devices or software long overdue for upgrades and updates.
  • Long wait times for resolving IT problems (including employees getting locked out of their accounts or computing devices that are crashing for unclear reasons).
  • Sub-optimal IT configurations that result in problems such as network slowdowns.
  • Sporadic or incomplete data backups that leave your business vulnerable to costly data loss.
  • A lack of strategic long-term IT planning.
  • In-house IT personnel who are overworked and over-extended.

Can you enjoy better services in 2017?

To benefit from better IT services across multiple areas, ranging from cyber security to network maintenance to software training for employees, consider hiring a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

MSPs handle a plethora of services, providing your company with round-the-clock support, monitoring your system, and helping you make wise IT decisions that will yield benefits now and in the future. Even if you already employ in-house IT personnel, they can share their responsibilities with an MSP.

What are some examples of how you can benefit from a high-quality MSP?

  • Improved cloud computing solutions. A recent article from ZDNet points out how MSPs often play a critical role in helping companies manage the cloud. For example, many companies rely on a mix of IT solutions – some of them hosted locally and others based in the cloud. MSPs can manage this mix and suggest cost-effective changes that would improve your IT set-up. If a company decides to move one of its IT functions to the cloud, MSPs will assist with the migration, along with offering advice on the cloud services that best fit the company’s needs.
  • High-quality network installation and maintenance. MSPs can set up, install, monitor, maintain, and defend your network. As a result, your company will be less likely to suffer from equipment outages, mismanaged network traffic, and undetected intrusions from cyber criminals and other unauthorized third parties. You’ll enjoy round-the-clock network monitoring, every day of the year.
  • Stronger cyber security. MSPs can evaluate your IT set-up for vulnerabilities and help guard it from cyber security breaches across multiple fronts. As Tech Republic points out in an article on 2017 cyber security trends, smaller businesses are especially vulnerable to cyber attacks. MSPs work on developing comprehensive security solutions that depend in large part on preventative measures and vigilance.
  • Reliable data backups. When businesses permanently lose data, or when it takes them too long to restore their data after an IT disaster, they can suffer serious financial losses, sometimes to the point where they can no longer survive. MSPs help you manage data backups from multiple devices. They also ensure that your most critical data can get restored quickly, minimizing downtime.
  • Ever-present support. Enjoy rapid responses to your IT problems through a live help desk or, when necessary, on-site visits.

One of the key benefits that MSPs provide is a proactive approach to IT solutions. They don’t limit themselves to dealing with existing, full-fledged problems. They work to anticipate, prevent, or minimize various difficulties and disasters, whether it’s the threat of a new kind of malware or the frustrations of a new employee whose log-in credentials have been rejected by the system. They help you plan for future IT developments and align your IT decisions with your business goals.

To find out more about how you can benefit from MSPs in the coming year, please contact us. We offer you a variety of essential services that will significantly improve your company’s productivity and security.

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Managed Service Provider


A managed service provider should be able to provide you the high-quality services you need now and as your business grows and changes.

There are many different options to consider when choosing the systems to run a business and how to manage them. Making the best decisions comes from being informed on all the options, or at least the ones that fit each business’s situation. In this regard, let’s look at 3 factors to consider when choosing a managed service provider (MSP).



      1. Provides the Services Need
      2. Room for Growth/ Services and Products
      3. Customer Service and Values

Provides the Services Need

Not all MSPs are the same, and some may not be suited for your business. Examine their services and the products they partner with; are these services and products what your business needs? Maybe an IT Help Desk service is what’s needed, or existing system management and support?

A business needing hardware repair and/or installation on-site, will want an MSP within their region. For instance, SystemsNet is located in Horsham, PA, and has a service area stretching across the tri-state area. If on-site IT services are needed from a MSP, this is a large factor in deciding which one to choose.

Businesses should consider if the MSP provides fitting solutions when it comes to: cybersecurity, software support, installation, and integration. The main benefits of outsourcing IT services are: robust cybersecurity, data backup recovery, system monitoring, risk and compliance, minimal downtime with quick repairs (remote or on-site), software upgrade and support, and having a 24/7 IT help desk. How does the MSP address the services your business needs?


Room for Growth/ Services and Products

Now look at who they’re partnered with, and what software they support. Does the MSP support and partner with the solutions your business needs now or in the future? Basically, this factor involves thinking ahead and forecasting business needs. For instance, does Microsoft Office 365 and Act! CRM software leave room for growth? Or, is a completely cloud-based system in the future for your business?

Choosing a MSP is an important decision, because changing MSPs later is an unwanted hassle. At a certain point in business growth, outsourcing IT services is a wise choice for most SMBs; the complexity of technology needs expertise and experience to navigate profitably. Avoid unwanted hassles by choosing a MSP that fits your business’s needs and values.

Customer Service and Values

This is the subjective factor to consider, when choosing an MSP for long-term IT services. Finding a MSP that understands your business’s values and goals is important for a meaningful business relationship. What characteristics and values does the MSP have? Do these match your business’s values and objectives?

Outsourcing part, or all, of your IT department to a MSP, requires trust – fostered by a unified understanding through solid communication channels. A trusting and respectful business relationship is the best combination, because a close working relationship is needed to solve IT issues, either emergency or with proactive strategies. Talk to multiple people who make up the MSP, to see if their personalities and values match your business.


Outsourcing IT services should be a profitable move, one that creates efficiency in a business’s systems. If a business chooses the right MSP for their business’s needs, productivity is sure to increase with a decrease in effort and risk. The investment, at a certain point in a business’s growth, becomes worth the cost of outsourcing the IT dept.

These three factors to consider are meant to help businesses choose the correct MSP for their specific needs. Not all MSPs are the same, therefor, choosing the right one is an impactful decision on a business’s profit and sustainability. All the effort involved in choosing and working with a MSP, will be worth it when streamlined processes and upgraded solutions drastically reduce workflow inefficiencies. Please contact us to learn more.

Five Questions to Ask About Proactive Monitoring of Network Infrastructure


Proactive monitoring of network infrastructure is a critical strategy that can help you prevent problems before they develop. It’s important to ask questions!

Neglecting to monitor your network infrastructure is a fundamental mistake that significantly increases the chances of a successful cyber attack and impairs your network’s performance.

As discussed in a recent article from Beta News, companies need to acknowledge that they’ll not only face cyber attacks, but that some of these attacks will likely get past their initial defenses. While it’s important to use anti-malware programs and other first-line defenses that can initially repel many cyber attacks, you need to realize that you’re never guaranteed 100% protection from unauthorized intrusions.

As such, it’s important to maintain layered defenses and actively monitor your network for suspicious activities that could indicate a successful intrusion. Proactive monitoring of network infrastructure is a critical strategy that can help you prevent or detect various problems before they develop into crisis situations.

Keep in mind that while IT disasters can result from an external cyber attack, there are also other sources of IT emergencies, including equipment and connection failures. So not only is network monitoring a critical part of your cyber defenses; it’s also essential for preserving the general health of your IT infrastructure. Network monitoring enables you to respond to a problem in a prompt, effective way without waiting to first hear about it from frustrated or panicking employees who find that they suddenly can’t get their work done.

Ask your Managed Service Provider (MSP) about monitoring services

When you hire an MSP to manage and advise you about your company’s IT activities, make sure to ask them about the kinds of monitoring services they provide for your network infrastructure. The following are five important questions to ask:

  1. Will they provide proactive monitoring of your company’s network? Sometimes, IT personnel take a purely reactive approach to IT problems. They swoop in to try and fix an issue only after employees have started noticing it or business operations have slowed down or come to a halt. Make sure that the MSP you work with offers proactive monitoring.
  2. How frequently will they monitor your network? Ideally, proactive monitoring will take place round-the-clock, every day of the year. It’s not enough to only sometimes scan your network or devices for problems, or limit the monitoring to business hours. Your MSP should offer you a 24 x 7 x 365 service.
  3. How will they respond to problems? Let’s say there are signs of trouble in your network, suspicious activities, or an outright emergency. How will your MSP respond? Who is actually responsible, and what will they do? Are there limits to what their monitoring service can detect? While you don’t need to know all of the technical details, you should get a clear sense of how they will use network monitoring to act effectively and swiftly.
  4. Will they let you know what’s going on? It’s important to establish clear communication between you and your MSP, including protocols for when they notify you about problems. Even when there aren’t any problems, they should give you regular reports about the state of your IT health, along with recommendations for changes to improve the security, productivity, and cost-effectiveness of your IT set-up.
  5. What kind of information will they give you? Ideally, your MSP will use the information they glean from network monitoring to give you a strong picture of your IT infrastructure, its strengths, and its potential weaknesses. They should provide you with advice for how to strengthen your network’s performance and security. Instead of just doing the bare minimum to keep your network going, they should actively contribute to its strength and development, with an eye towards supporting your business goals and activities.

Please contact us for further information about our round-the-clock proactive network monitoring. We’re dedicated to improving and maintaining the health of your IT infrastructure.