Tag Archives: Hurricane season tips

What Are Your Backup And Disaster Recovery (BDR) Plans For Hurricane Season?


Severe storm in the forecast, time to confirm your plan is up to date.

Would you say your business is fully prepared for this year’s stormy weather? We believe this year’s hurricane season will be busier than it has been in a while. There have already been indications that there will be at least two major hurricanes during this year’s hurricane season. We know the numbers are only based on data, but we should always remember how many businesses have been severely damaged by hurricanes.

Hurricanes can cause millions and billions of dollars worth of damage. If your business was hit by a major hurricane, do you think you will be able to fully recover from it? Do you think you will be able to recover your business’s important data and systems? If you are unsure, you should strongly consider taking action right away so your business will be prepared in case there is a major disaster.

What Is Your Current Backup And Disaster Recovery Strategy?

Unfortunately, many businesses do not pay much attention to their current backup and disaster recovery strategy. A backup strategy is taken for granted by many businesses. Your business has to make sure that all your important files are backed up. Your business should also make sure that all the files can be recovered, even if your on-premise equipment has been damaged or completely destroyed.

Your business should also be able to verify that your backups can be recovered by the method you have chosen. When your business uses 24/7 backup monitoring, you will always know that your backups can be recovered. You will also feel comfortable knowing that your backups will also be stable.

Website Downtime

Did you know that your business’s network image can be stored? When an image of your network is stored, you will be able to pick up where you left off. You will not have to wait until your applications and software are re-installed and running successfully. You will be given screenshots that can confirm your systems and applications are working as they should be.

We know that the summertime is supposed to be a time of fun for many people. However, the summer can bring some horrible and disastrous weather. In case bad weather strikes your workplace, you want to be fully prepared for anything and everything. It is important that you are proactive as you can be during the summer. You should have a complete list of solutions so your team, customers, clients, etc. will not be left in the dark.

You can create a backup and disaster recovery plan that works the way you need it to. Your business is unique, and you need a BDR strategy that will fit the needs of your business. Do not hesitate to contact us today for more information on backup and disaster recovery plans, consulting, etc.

Have A Plan During The Summer

When you have a plan, this can be the major difference between having your business up and running hours, days, weeks, months, or years later. When you are proactive, you will be able to anticipate any situation that may come along with a disaster. When you are prepared to take the right steps, everyone in the workplace will be prepared for the worst situations, and no one will miss a single beat.

You have to anticipate everything that can arise, which means you will have to think beyond having your computers destroyed or your computers being offline for hours. Do you have an evacuation plan? Will there be a set location for your team to meet? Will your team be able to work from home until it is safe to enter the workplace again?